Wednesday, 12 October 2022

Marvellous Maths in Reception

Marvellous Maths in Reception

This week in reception, we have been learning about matching and sorting different objects.

The children participated in a variety of activities, including sorting wellies, matching the correct amount of dots on ladybirds to find the correct pair and sorting items into categories.

The children were introduced to the new vocabluary through questions such as:

Q- Can you find one that is just the same?

Q- Are they different?

Q- Can we find the pair?

Q - How do you know they are matching?

Can we find each ladybirds pair?

Maths Activities

Dola: “They have the amount of spots” 


Emily: “ My ladybirds are the same” 

Freddie: "   That’s got 3 and that’s got 3 " 

Ashvik: "  It’s a pair because they are the same”   

Harry: "I  found the ones that are the same" 

Farzaan: " It's matching" 

Key Vocabulary: The same, different, matching, odd, pair, pairing 

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