Monday, 17 October 2022

Marvellous Me Day In Reception!

 Marvellous Me Day In Reception!

What a brilliant day we had on Friday for Marvellous Me Day!

The day started with the children arriving in their favourite outfits. We then had a circle time for the children to explain what they were wearing and why they chose it. It was lovely to hear the children discuss their favourite character costumes, clothes that had special meaning to them and use lots of rich vocabulary to describe their choices.

We then completed some self-portraits with a twist! The children loved using whiteboard markers and transparent sheets to draw their friends. They were encouraged to look closely at their partners features and carefully draw around them. We saw some fantastic concentration and pencil control to create some perfect portraits!

After lunch, it was time to get our favourite toys out. The children showed great reciprocity in taking turns to share their toy and listen to their friends. It was great to hear all about the toy they had chosen.

We then looked at our family photos and engaged in lots of discussions with our teachers and peers about who lives in our house and other family members. It was lovely to hear about the people that are so special to our Reception children!

Thank you to all parents and carers for your support in sending in photos and toys for this day - the children really enjoyed the day!

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