Reminders and key dates:
- The Reception Christmas Concert will be on the 7th December at 9.15am and 2pm. Please send your child in wearing dark trousers and a white shirt on Thursday. They can wear a Christmas jumper over the top.
- Christmas Jumper Day - 8th December
- Christmas Dinner - 13th December
- Lapland day - 15th December
- Christmas Party - 18th December
This week we read the story Stick Man!
We practiced retelling the story using our story tray and worked on talking to a partner about ideas and themes in the book including family, feelings, environment and weather changes. We discussed different family dynamics and made our own family tree.
Children braved the cold to go on a nature walk around the field, finding sticks to create their own Stickmen.
This week we expanded our number knowledge to 4 and 5, looking at parts of these numbers. Children began to understanding that big numbers are made up of smaller numbers and completed activities to deepen this knowledge. We used songs such as 5 Little Speckled Frogs to explore one more and one less.