Monday, 11 December 2023

Reception Learning 04.12.23


Reception Learning

Reminders and key dates:

  • Christmas Dinner - 13th December 
  • Lapland day - 15th December
  • Christmas Party - 18th December


This week in Maths, we have been learning about shapes. We began by looking at 4 sided shapes and discussing the difference between a square and a rectangle. The children completed activities to support them in using the vocabulary sides, corners, longer and shorter. We deepened our understanding of shapes by completing a shape hunt. The children enjoyed looking around the Reception area for shapes and making a tally chart of how many of each they were able to spot. We have also begun to look at the times of the day, thinking about activities we do in the day time compared to the night time. We have been using vocabulary of time such as first, then, next.


This week we have been reading 'Mog's Christmas' by Judith Kerr.
We have been developing our vocabulary by thinking about the story and discussing the thoughts and feelings of characters throughout the story. We have also used the themes in this book to discuss some of the traditions associated with Christmas time. 

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