Saturday, 14 January 2023

Nursery Learning- Week 2

Nursery Learning

Week 2- 13.01.23


Congratulations to Mrs Rice and her husband on the birth of their beautiful daughter, Florence. Florence was born on 1st January. What a way to start the New Year! We wish them all the best at this special time.

New staff

As Mrs Rice enjoys her new baby bubble, we have some new faces in the nursery:

Mrs Stanley is the Assistant Head teacher, head of Early Years and Key Stage One. She will be working in Nursery on Mondays.

Miss Tynan has been with the school for 10 years and has just returned from maternity leave. She has led Nursery, Reception and Year 2. She will be working in the Nursery on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Miss Chappel has been with the school for 8 years and has also just returned from maternity leave. She has led Reception and Year One. She will be working in the Nursery on Thursdays and Fridays.

Indoor learning 

The children have been very creative this week using the marble run! They have worked on this most days, changing the course they have built and using differed size marbles to see if they could make them go faster! 

Messy play!! 

Outdoor learning 

The rain never stops the children from exploring and learning outside! This week the children have been working on creating obstacle courses. The children first began trying to make their way around the tree area, using the stumps but they found that they were too far apart. 

Mason then suggested they make their own. They used the crates and the stepping stones, first arranging them in a line, but then with some prompting, they made it into a circle so they cold continue to go round and round.


Prompt pick up time - The children now have their lunch in the hall. Can we ask that if you are picking your child up after the morning session, that you collect them between 11:15-11:30am. After this time, they may be taken to he school office for collection.  

Wellie boots- Please ensure your child has a pair of wellie boots in school. We spend a lot of time outside, whatever the weather.

A change of clothes- Please ensure your child has a spare change of clothes (including socks and underwear) in their bag. If you have any pants/knickers or socks at home that belong to the nursery, please can you return them as we are running low. 


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