Friday, 21 April 2023

Marvellous Maths in Reception 21.04.23


Marvellous Maths in Reception

This week in Reception, the children were asked to order, compare, and count numbers up to and including 20. Ten frames were used to represent numbers between 10 and 20. 

 The children also explored various representations of these numbers using concrete resources such as cubes and numicon. We learnt that numbers between 10 and 20 are made up of one full ten and a part of the next ten. We made various representations of numbers more than ten and looked for patterns as the numbers increased. We also worked on the formation of these numbers. 

Take a look at the ways we explored numbers beyond 10. 


Domanic: "Two tens make twenty"

Zhyan: " Five add ten equals 15!" 

Harry: "Eleven comes after ten" 

Adon: " I can write up to 100" 


Happiness: "I can write up to forty" 

Ryan: " 18 comes after 17" 

Key vocabulary: 

Ten, ten frame, number, teen, twenty, before, after, part, full 

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