Friday, 28 April 2023

Marvellous Maths in Reception 28.04.23

 Marvellous Maths in Reception

This week in Reception, the children explored counting patterns beyond 10. The children practised counting backwards and forwards beyond 10, whilst using numberlines to show the correct order of the numbers. 
Our activity this week was to use Numicon to represent numbers beyond 10. 
 The children worked hard to see which numbers they would need to accurately represent each number. 


Maya: "I wrote up to 20"

Anu: "We put all of the numbers in order!" 

Albie: " 10 and 2 makes 12" 

Olivia: "I made numbver 14 with 10 and 4" 

Khushbakht: "3 tens make 15" 

Happiness: "We made 17" 

Key vocabulary: 

One more, one less, twenty, count on, backwards, forwards 

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