Friday, 21 April 2023

Nursery Learning 17.4.23

Nursery Learning- 21.04.23

Key found- a key has been found in Nursery. It has 2 distinct keyrings. If you have lost a key, please describe the keyrings to a member of nursery so we can return it to you. 
Home Corner Request - We are looking for phones with numbers, remotes with numbers, clocks, baby items such as small baby clothes for the dolls, bottles, feeding spoons to promote pretend play. If you have any spare at home we would really appreciate any items. Thank you! 

Here are the children enjoying the home corner. They loved the new baby resources!

 The children have enjoyed exploring the story of 'Supertato' this week. The children have made a delicious vegetable soup, they have helped to cut the ingredients carefully and have added them together to create a delicious end product. They enjoyed dipping their bagels into this and tasting at the end.

The children have enjoyed trying to make cards this week in the writing area. We have been modelling how to carefully hold the pens and pencils to control their writing, there have been lots of opportunities to practice name writing! 

Outside the children enjoyed making pretend soup in the mud kitchen. They used water in the barrel carefully and learnt to turn it on and off. There was some great team work shown as they cooked and listened to each others ideas. 

The children have been mark making using chalks on the floor and benches. They loved  looking at the different pattern each other had created.

They children also chose to work on their throwing and aiming skills, just look at these throws! 

As always, the children have been creative using the malleable area and the art area. Harriet enjoyed rolling out the playdough with the textured rolling pin and feeling the pattern it made. Idhaya, Sadhana and Emir all made and decorated fans independently.

The children have loved the maths area this week, using it to draw round shapes and discuss what they notice. They have been practicing witting their numbers and counting objects.  

We have been working on our fine motor skills by threading using buttons and shoelaces. 

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