Friday, 31 January 2025

Nursery Certificates w/b 27/01/25


This week, two children in Nursery have received an 'E for Excellence' certificate.

Well done to Ameera who has been awarded an E for excellence in recognition of her fantastic use of creativity. She has been using the art materials to create wonderful creations including a spider climbing up a water spout.

Well done to Freddie who has been awarded an E for excellence in recognition of his act of kindness during his play. He saw that one of his friends did not have any toys to play with and he shared with her. Well done Freddie!

This week, one child in Nursery has received an 'I made my teacher happy' certificate.

Well done to Kinza who has been awarded an I made my teacher happy this week because she showed great enthusiasm towards tidying up. She was being very helpful and she put things in the correct places. Well done Kinza!

Well done to Thomas, Adian and Monroe who have all completed their tracker by reading 'our five favourite books' and Billie who has completed her tracker by reading ‘our favourite three books.’

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Nursery Learning Wb 20/1/25

This half term we welcome some new children and families to our Nursery. We are looking forward to having them join our community. Please bear with staff whilst we learn new names and faces at home time. It may mean dismissal takes a little longer for a few weeks.

                                                           Important Information 

Evidence Me- if your child has joined us in January you should have received an email invite to the our parent share app 'Evidence Me'. We will use the app to share observations of your children at nursery. Please do add your own videos and photos from home as parents can also share achievements. Please speak to a member of staff if you cannot access this app. 

Nappies and wipes - If your child is in nappies and requires changing in Nursery please bring nappies and also a pack of wipes. You can bring in a pack and leave this here if you would prefer to do this. 

Coats, wellies, gloves and hats - As we are outside often we would advise the children to wrap up warm. Please do help us by labelling anything the children bring in as then we can help return any missing items to the correct owner! Please also encourage the children to independently try and put on their coats and hats etc at home, staff will always help if needed but we always encourage independence. 

Havering Children's Centre- The Havering Children's Centre are currently trying to ensure that all families with children under 5 years of age are registered with their local children's centre. We encourage you to register your child as this will help with their development and wellbeing.

Imaginative Play

The children have been enjoying scooping and filling in the sand area. This week we added a tea set to extend their play and encourage imaginative play. They have spent long periods of time concentrating in this area and filling their tea cups for each other this week.

                                                                  Maths through play

To enhance our playdough area this week we added gems and sticks. The children have been enjoying making cakes for each other. The children have had lots of opportunities to practice our Maths skills by counting in order, finding the correct amount of candles for their cakes and sharing them with their friends. 

The children also listened to the story of the week 'The Hundred Decker Bus'. They counted the animals from the story using the puppets. 

Expressive Arts and Design 
We have been focusing on controlling our brushes and exploring paint. The children have enjoyed mixing paint and learning how much water to add to make marks. 


We are continuing with our focus on learning how to use knives to spread in the snack area. This week we added crackers with spreadable cheese. The children showed how much their skills have developed as they started to independently 

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Reception Fairy Tale Dress Up Day

 Fairy Tale dress up day

Dear Parents and Carers,

As part of our topic this term, we will be incorporating a ‘Fairy Tale day,’ where your child can come to school dressed as their favourite character. This will only be for Reception class children and will take place on Friday 14th February. 

Some suggestions are: Little Red Riding Hood, a wolf, Goldilocks, a prince, Peter Pan, Cinderella, the Gingerbread Man, Aladdin, Tiana, Snow White.

Your child will not need school uniform on this day, however, we do suggest bringing in jumpers and coats as the children will be outside during parts of the day. Please remember to send your child in sensible and enclosed shoes.

Thank you.


Mrs Marie​

Reception Year Group Leader

Friday, 24 January 2025

Reception Certificates - W.C 20.1.25

Reception E for Excellence

We have had a fantastic week of learning and there has been so much to celebrate and be proud of in Reception! 

These children worked extremely hard and have been rewarded for all of their determination and efforts.


E for Excellence - Ava-Mai, for working hard in Maths this week. Ava-Mai tested different objects on the balance scales and could say whether one object was heavier, lighter or if they were balanced. Well done Ava-Mai! 

Dojo points - Daniel, for tidying up and working hard this week. Well done Daniel!

Star Writer - Liza, for working hard to find the initial sounds in words and applying them to her writing about Little Red Riding Hood. Well done Liza!

105 Books to Read Before You Leave Broadford- 

These pupils have read five books and earned their Bronze certificate - Jacob

These pupils have read ten books and earned their Silver certificate - Daman

 These pupils have read ten books and earned their Gold certificate- 


E for Excellence - Ziyon

Dojo points - Amirah

Star Writer - Eva

These pupils have read ten books and earned their Silver certificate - Chloe, Chynna and Eva

 This pupil has read ten books and earned their Gold certificate- Emmanuel

Alder - 

E for Excellence - Juliah, for showing fantastic confidence when doing your blending in phonics. You are doing amazing!

Dojo points - Emem, for earning the most dojo points this week and being able to complete maths tasks independently. Well done!

Star Writer - Arabella, for using your sounds to write words about the story Little Red Riding Hood. Your letter formation is improving everyday. Great job!

105 Books to Read Before You Leave Broadford- 

 This  pupil has read ten books and earned their Bronze certificate - Alysha

 These pupils have read ten books and earned their Silver certificate - Kinza & Nathan

 These pupils have read ten books and earned their Gold certificate- Shaheer & Kameron


Nursery Certificates W/B; 20/01/2025


This week, two children in Nursery have received an 'E for Excellence' certificate.

Well done to Amberlee who has been awarded an E for excellence in recognition of her fantastic listening skills during storytime. She was able to competently and confidently answer questions about the story of the week. Well done Amberlee! 

Well done to Amy who has been awarded an E for excellence in recognition of her showing a great improvement in speaking in English. She is beginning to use more words in her play amongst her peers as well as when speaking to the adults. Well done Amy!

This week, two children in Nursery have received an 'I made my teacher happy' certificate.

Well done to Tommy who has been awarded an I made my teacher happy this week because he is doing so well with his toileting. He has been going on time and asking a teacher for help when required. Well done Tommy!

Well done to Lianna who has been awarded an I made my teacher happy this week because she was able to confidently answer two questions about the focus story, 'the train ride.' She was also able to remember the order in which the animals appeared in the story. Well done Lianna!

Well done to Grayson, George, Matei, Amaya, Ameera, Rex, Hamza, Charlie, Bright and Samad who have all completed their tracker by reading 'our five favourite books.' Keep up the good reading!

Reception Learning - W.C 20.1.25


Reception: What We Are Learning 

Reception have been working really hard this week. Our focus book was Little Red Riding Hood.


Here is what we have been up to:The children have been listening to the story, learning about stranger danger, writing get well soon cards to Grandma and learning all about wolves. 

The children have also been working hard in Read, Write, Inc this week. In literacy we have been writing words about Little red riding hood. The children used their sound knowledge to write words including sun, has,  red,  map, bed and  jam. Please continue to read 5 times a week with your children and work on set 1 sounds as well as word time words (1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc). Watch this video for set  1 sound practise - Set 1 sounds

In Maths this week the children have been focusing on capacity. Capacity is the maximum amount that something can contain. We tested out how many animals our boats could hold before sinking and practised using scales. We learnt words such as heavy, balanced and light. 

Well done Reception for an amazing week - keep up all your brilliant work! 

Friday, 17 January 2025

Reception Certificates - W.C 13.1.25


Reception E for Excellence

We have had a fantastic week of learning and there has been so much to celebrate and be proud of in Reception! 

These children worked extremely hard and have been rewarded for all of their determination and efforts.


E for Excellence - Victor, for doing your best in every lesson and working so hard in every area of your learning this week. Victor tried hard with one more and one less in Maths, he worked hard on blending in RWI and completed lots of mark making activities in the Writing Area. Well done Victor! 

Dojo points - Evie, for being on task and excellent listening. Well done Evie! 

Star Writer - Elisa, for her brilliant piece of writing on Jack and The Beanstalk. Elisa worked hard to sound out CVC words and used her sound mat to help her apply them. 


E for Excellence - Mya Lee

Dojo points - Shahaan

Star Writer - Prisha

 These pupils have read ten books and earned their Silver certificate:

Aarish, Ronnie and Prisha

Alder - 

E for Excellence - Andrew, for listening and then being able to correctly show the life cycle of a bean. Great work!

Dojo points - Patrick, for earning the most dojo points and being focused in every lesson. Well done! 

Star Writer - Zayna, for using your sound knowledge to write words about Jack and the beanstalk! You showed lovely letter formation and took pride in your work. You are a star!

105 Books to Read Before You Leave Broadford- 

 These pupils have read ten books and earned their Silver certificate - Jazelle, Nirgun, Renae, 

 These pupils have read ten books and earned their Gold certificate- Rayan