Monday 28 September 2015

Crime scene in Reception!

The children came back into class  from lunch today to find a crime scene! Somebody had broken into Aspen class and had broken a chair, poured porridge everywhere and made a big mess. We found some clues that might help us find the culprit; a pink ribbon, a strand of hair and a small foot print. After carefully examining the evidence we shared our thoughts on who the culprit could be.

Some children thought it might be the big bad troll from our story last week but we agreed trolls probably wouldn't have blond hair and wear shoes. Mia thought it was probably a child because all they had used the small chair and the smallest bowl! The children have been brilliant detectives this afternoon and have been searching for more clues and collecting evidence. We have explained we will be checking the video footage tonight to see if we can find any more evidence.

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