Monday, 19 December 2016

Nursery Newsletter 19.12.16

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you for all of your support over this half term. It has been great to watch the children progress, we are particularly impressed with how well they have joined in with story sessions and are now able to re-call the texts we have focussed on. Look out for the video of the children sharing books which will appear on the blog shortly.
       End of Term Mini Report:
      You will shortly be receiving an email from inbox@2buildaprofile.complease read the email and follow the instructions.  

       This will enable you to electronically receive your child's mini report in the last week of term.

Over the next two days we will be focusing on the story 'Santa's Busy Night'.  The children have been looking closely at the shape of Santa's presents, helping to count how many presents he needs to give out and joining in with repeated phrases.

The last day for all children will be on Wednesday 21st December. Nursery will only be open for the morning sessions for the party. Afternoon children are welcome to attend the morning session too on this day.

     Christmas Party

     We will be having a Christmas Party on Wednesday 21st December. We will provide all the food and drinks along  with lots of fun and games. Your child may bring a Christmas Jumper to school for the party. No party clothes will be needed as the children will still have access to outside so will need to have suitable clothes on for this.

We hope you have a happy and restful Christmas.

Kind regards,

The Nursery Team

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