Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Stickman leaves a letter.....

The children in Apple Class returned from lunchtime on Monday to find a peculiar looking stick and a letter on Miss Poulter's chair. The class worked together to read the letter and discovered that Stickman was the funny looking stick and he wanted their help to find sticks.

"I can Fred talk this word" said Madalina, when the class tried to read help. "You is a red word" explained Laura as she pointed this out to the rest of the class.

The children set out onto the field to look for sticks, and they definitely succeeded. The box was overflowing! We are putting these sticks to good use in maths, as we use them to order objects by length. The children have also been using the sticks to create their own stickmen in the workshop area. "I'm going to use a leaf for his head" said Augustas as he constructed his own Stickman.

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