Dear Parents and Carers,
We hope this message finds you well. A huge thank you for bearing with the school while plans were put in place. To ensure you understand what Nursery returning will look like, we have provided some information below. We have bullet pointed the main points first to ensure we are clear and then we have gone into more detail regarding the points further down.
Please read the following carefully and then fill out the Nursery Re-Opening form and let us know if your child will be attending school. Please support us by sharing this post with all Broadford Nursery parents and carers you can. Whatever decision you make, will be the right one and every child will continue to have the support and communication from the Nursery Team, whether you are learning in school or at home. Attendance is optional. The children in school will follow the same activities as children at home. The following information will be subject to change as it will depend on the number of children returning to school.
- Each child will be in a 'bubble' consisting of 15 children (max) and 2 adults.
- Children will return on a part time basis. Days and hours will be confirmed after we know numbers of children returning.
- Children and adults in a 'bubble' will not mix with children and adults from another 'bubble'.
- The children will not be expected to social distance within their bubbles
- You must be on time. If you arrive later than the start time and the gate is closed, your child will not be able to attend that day. There will be no admissions through the school office.
- Contact with your child's teacher will be through email or phone only.
- You will need to bring in a packed lunch if your child is staying all day. This should be in a plastic box and not canvas material.
- Children need to wear clean clothes everyday, uniform is optional.
- Children can not wear face masks to school (due to putting on and taking off incorrectly)
- If you have selected yes we will call you this week to talk about days/hours and which bubble your child will be in.
- a water bottle (compulsory)
- a jumper/jacket
- a sun hat
- change of clothes, including underwear and socks (to be left in school)
- A plastic lunchbox (If staying for lunch)
Social distancing
I am sure that you all agree young children are unable to social distance. We are going to continue to teach Nursery in the same way without children social distancing. However we have put in place several measures to ensure we all stay as safe as possible. The room each bubble uses will remain the same during this period. The resources will be thoroughly cleaned between children from other bubbles using these. We have implemented a rigorous cleaning schedule to ensure resources, furniture, switches and handles are cleaned throughout the day as well as after school. If children stay for lunch they will have lunch together with their own midday assistant
If you later decide to send your child in
If you initially decide to not send your child back, but later decide you would like them to return to school, you will need to let the school office know no later than the Wednesday with the child returning to school the following week. This is to enable us to manage staffing requirements and cleaning.
Contact with the class teacher
We are sorry we won't be able to have face-to-face conversations with our parents at the moment but we are still here for you. If you wish to speak to your class teacher, please telephone the school or email and either ask us a question, pass on a message or request a phone call.
Bags and items from home
Children should bring in nothing from home except the items listed above. This also means that children will not be bringing things home from school, such as art work. Anything they do will remain in school, if it is something they are particularly proud of we will photograph it and send it to you via Evidence Me.
Water bottle
Please provide a named water bottle everyday. This will be sent home each night to be cleaned. As we will be getting outside as much as possible, children should bring in a sunhat (or a raincoat if the weather changes). Please use an all day sunscreen if required, children should not bring sunscreen to school.
Please provide a named water bottle everyday. This will be sent home each night to be cleaned. As we will be getting outside as much as possible, children should bring in a sunhat (or a raincoat if the weather changes). Please use an all day sunscreen if required, children should not bring sunscreen to school.
Change of clothes
If your child needs to change their clothes for whatever reason, they must be able to do this independently. Please ensure your child is able to do this. If you do not send a change of clothes in which they later require, you will be called to the school to either drop off clothes or collect them. We are no longer able to provide a change of clothes.
We ask that your child wears clean clothes each day. We understand that they may have grown out of their uniform or that it is not always possible to get the uniform clean and ready for the following day. Therefore, the school is relaxing the uniform policy for the next half term. No strappy tops/dresses or vests and please ensure they are wearing suitable footwear. Please bear in mind children’s clothes may get messy, so do not send them in their best clothes. We will not be using aprons in the setting during this period and messy play will be available.Whether you are sending your child back or not, please fill out the form:
If after reading all of the information and filling out the form you have chosen to send your child in to school you will be contacted to explain which bubble and which days/hours your child will be in.
Best wishes,
The Nursery Team
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