Friday, 3 February 2023

Nursery certificates- 3.2.23


Each week, 2 children in Nursery will receive an E for Excellence certificate in recognition of their hard work.

A big congratulations to Matthew for his fantastic problem solving skills. Matty found different ways of getting down from equipment when climbing outside. He the built up his confidence and jumped off independently. Super job, Matty! 

A big congratulations to Medhanch for his super work with his friends. Medhanch spent a long time creating 'super ramps' for his cars and finding ways to make them go faster. He also applied some fantastic problem solving skills when his cars go stuck! Well done, Medhanch, keep it up! 

Our 5 Favourite Books

A huge well done to Sriyan for reading his 5 favourite books, Sriyan was able to tell Miss Day all about them. Keep up the super reading at home, Sriyan! 

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