Friday, 16 June 2023

Nursery Learning- 12th June 2023


Important notice: 

We love playing with water outside in the sunny weather. To keep the children safe can all parents please apply water resistant sun cream before attending nursery. Please ensure each child wears a sun hat and has spare clothing in nursery at all times.

The Nursery entrance is open 8.30- 8.55am and 12.15- 12.25pm. After these times all children must be registered at the school office.

Collection takes place from 11.15- 11.30am and 3- 3.15pm. Please contact the school office if you are late or someone else is collecting. After these times children will be taken to the school library and collection will be from the main school office. 

This weeks focus topic:

This week the Children opened an Ice cream shop at nursery. They have had lots of fun during their role play, discussing flavours of ice cream, how ice cream is made and their home experiences. The children have been learning how we use money to buy things and have been learning how to successfully exchange money for items they wish to buy in our shop. We have been counting, adding and subtracting, subitising and working together as shopkeepers and customers. We have also practised our rhyming sounds and played numeracy bingo.

Ten Town Focus 

This week the children have been learning about Freddie four from ten town. You can find out more information on Freddie four using this link Freddie four

Reception transition

This week our nursery leavers have been taking about their journey to reception. We have been discussing our ideas of what reception may be like, and the children have been thinking of questions to ask their new teachers. Some of the questions were about their friends and some about their favourite activities. Overall the children seemed confident about their move and very excited to play on the big reception slide. 

Focus skill of the week

This week the children have continued practising our turn taking steps to communicate with peers and resolve conflict. By using the turn taking steps the children have been working through their big emotions, identifying how they feel and what they could do to make themselves or others feel better. We have been using the zones of regulation to support our understanding of Big emotions and its tool box concept- which is the activity to help improve how we feel. Please feel free to use our turn taking steps at home.


2 year old fun

This week the blue group have been focusing on the farm. They have been identifying animals by name, learning about where they live and who looks after them.

This week we had fun:

This week the children had lots of fun learning through play. We developed our social and communication skills during imaginative role play games in the play house, practiced our big body movements; rolling, jumping and climbing in the garden and used paint outdoors to express our creativity.

We have had fun developing our fine motor skills for handwriting, using scissors and a variety of different sized markers. Madison and Mason even pretended to be teachers and could be heard saying "I'm Miss St Louis, who do you want to be? Mrs Light?".

At the art table the children have been experimenting with different mediums for marking. Sandpaper has been a favourite. Sadhana explained to her teacher how she drew around her hand to create a fish shape for her picture, then used coloured crayons to create a rainbow fish. Archie was very proud to show his teachers his picture of a rocket blasting into space.

Our nursery children love to cook and this week used a variety of tools to chop, great and slice fruit and vegetables to create their own individual salads. We tasted new foods and discussed topics including; how we grow fruit and veg, eating healthy and foods we like and dislike.

The nursery team would like to shine light on our very special helper Ajus. After a very hot weekend Ajus asked if he could water the strawberry plants as they need water to grow, and as he was at home the plants will be thirsty. Thank you to Ajus for caring for our nursery plants.

This week we received our delivery for the mud kitchen. The children have had an amazing time helping clean and rearrange the mud kitchen area, including a special helper Azlan, taking time to help sweep the mud area. From rolling tyres, sweeping the mud and washing the resources the children really engaged in working together to make our nursery environment a lovely place to play. With a special thanks to Oscar, Isaac, Leonor, Patrick, Violet and Harley- Jean for all your help.

The children have loved playing in the mud kitchen as a result and have been busy making a selection of strange and wacky concoctions.

Luna was playing in the mud kitchen and showed her teacher how she could break the clump of mud. Luna used the terms whole and half to talk about the mud and counted how many pieces she had, and was introduced to the idea of thirds and quarters.   

Viola helped her friends at the water trays, showing them how to use a bucket to efficiently scoop water for the ramps, reducing the need for several trips back to the tray. 

The children enjoyed playing with the small world toys under the canopy. They used accents to develop their dolls character, created a narrative for their character and successfully took turns back and forth speaking and listening to each other to progress their game. Their role play had a start, middle and end, then they developed a new narrative developing their ideas.

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