Friday, 10 November 2023

Nursery Certificates 10.11.23



Each week, 2 children in Nursery will receive an E for Excellence certificate in recognition of their hard work. 

A massive congratulations to Chloe, who has been awarded the E for Excellence for her amazing story telling skills. She has been retelling our familiar stories. She has been retelling Dear Zoo at home and at school, using excitement and enthusiasm. She has also been fantastic at retelling last week's book, Owl babies. 


A huge well done to Andrew, who has been awarded the E for Excellence for his social interactions. Andrew has been joining in playing with big groups of his friends, using his imagination and using lots of language to show his excitement. 

Well done to Charlie who has completed their tracker by reading 'our five favourite books' in Nursery! Super job, keep up the reading!

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