Saturday, 18 November 2023

Reception Learning 17.11.23

Reception Learning 


Reminders and key dates:

  • The Reception Christmas Concert will be on the 7th December at 9.15am and 2pm 
  • Christmas Jumper Day - 8th December 
  • Christmas Dinner - 13th December 
  • Lapland day - 15th December (Children can wear a Christmas Jumper)
  • Christmas Party - 18th December 

This week we have been learning about Remembrance Day and why people were wearing poppies over the weekend. We explored why this day is significant and how we commemorate those who fought in the war. Children described a poppy in their writing and practised listening for the sounds they could hear in words such as 'red' and 'soft'. 

Children had the chance to create their own poppy fields by using using their fingers in paint to create the leaves and centre. Once dry, they drew the stems to complete the flower. 

We spoke about how poppies were a sign of hope during the war and then got our hands dirty outside, planted some poppy seeds in the garden. 


This week we have been learning to identify and create a triangle and a circle. We also explored positional language such as over, under, through and in between by taking a friend through an obstacle course. 

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