Friday 17 May 2024

Nursery Learning 17.05.2024


Important information

Warm weather request:

We politely request can all parents please apply sun cream to children before arriving at school and to provide a suitable sunhat, labelled with your childs name. During hot weather please ensure your child wears suitable clothing to avoid sun burn, the children will continue to have access to the nursery outdoor facilities.

Nursery stay and play: 

The summer term nursery stay and play will take place on Wednesday 12th June             
(Am and PM session times to follow)

Holiday dates (School and Nursery closed): 

Half term; Monday 27th to Friday 31st May 2024

Last day of summer term; Tuesday 23rd July 2024 

School inset dates; 24th July 2024 

Story of the week

This week the children have been listening to the story 'The Snail Trail'.  They have enjoyed looking at the pictures and learning a new word 'illustation'. 

You can listen to the story at home with your children by clicking the link  The Snail Trail

Learning this week:

This week the children have continued their focus learning on minibeasts. Mrs Luca collected some local snails so the children could look closely at how they behaved. The snails have enjoyed eating the cucumber and leaves the children collected for them and the children have enjoyed watching them create tails on their snail tank. 

Finger Gym Fun

The children have enjoyed collecting natural items this week. They have searched for flowers, twigs and long pieces of grass to attached to Mrs Luca's cardboard snail templates. 

Creative play

In the playdough area the children have been busy creating their own snails. They have been encouraged to roll and shape the playdough using their fine motor skills. Then they added eyes and shells to their creations. There were lots of pictures of real snails to promote discussion about the creatures they could see. 

Small World 

We have been busy transforming some little tables Mrs Light brought in for the children. They have painted the tables together and have used small world objects to create a dinosaur and fairy world.  Small world play gives the children lots of opportunities to develop their imagination and communication and language.  Children often choose to play together with these items which stimulates the development of key social skills like sharing and communication and allows each child to inject their own ideas into their shared world.

Outdoor learning

We have enjoyed the mixed weather this week with sunshine and rainy days. The children have been busy developing their gross motor movements and co-ordination outdoors by racing, climbing and jumping using the nursery resources. We have also been practicing our social skills of taking turns and conflict resolution sharing nursery toys and listening to our friends ideas and feelings. The children have also been on a mini beast hunt searching for spiders, snails and ants in the garden area.


This week we have used a variety of ingredients to make snail treats for us to try. We cut up cucumbers and spead cheese on crackers to recreate our snails. They were very yummy.

Good Bye...

Next week we say goodbye to Miss St Louis, who will be leaving us for maternity to have her baby, meetings have been arranged for those who require them. 
Next week friday is also the last day before the half term holidays.

Thank you for another fantastic week in nursery, enjoy your weekend.

Broadford Nursery Team

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