Friday 24 May 2024

Nursery Learning 24.5.24


Nursery stay and play: 

The summer term nursery stay and play will take place on Wednesday 12th June             
Am- 10.15-11am
Pm- 2.15-3pm

Holiday dates (School and Nursery closed): 

Half term; Monday 27th to Friday 31st May 2024

Last day of summer term; Tuesday 23rd July 2024 

School inset dates; 24th July 2024 

 Next Half Term  

We are learning about people who help us next half term. If you know of anyone who has a job helping others, such as a paramedics, post workers, fire fighters, shop keepers, doctors/dentists, refuse collectors etc. who would like to come and talk to the children, please let us know as we love having visitors in school. 


Story of the week

This week the children have been listening to the story 'The Bumble Bear'.  
You can listen to the story at home with your children by clicking the link  

Good Bye...

This  week we say goodbye to Miss St Louis, who will be leaving us for maternity to have her baby. We thank Miss St Louis for all of her hard work and look forward to meeting her baby girl. 

Learning this week:

This week the children have continued their focus learning on minibeasts. World bee day was on the 20th May, we celebrated all kinds of bees this week. The children have been busy matching bee patterns in the maths area and observing bees in our nursery garden.

Our special visitors

This week we had a surprise visit from our reception ducklings visiting us at nursery. The children were amazed watching the ducklings drink water and wiggle their tales. The children were able to touch the ducklings, discussing their textures, sounds they make and their special friendships. Thank you reception for our lovely learning surprise.

Ten Town

This year at nursery we have been learning all about numbers in Ten Town. We have listed the number rhymes for the children to practice at home. Get your magic pencils ready.

Rainbow tombola 

Wow what an amazing turn out of wonderful colour in our nursery. We would like to say thank you for all of the donations for the summer fair tombola. We look forward to seeing everyone attend the school summer fete on saturday 15th June 2024.

Creative play

This week the children have loved our minibeast theme of bees and have been busy creating play to develop their fine motor skills and hand muscles for writing. We have been practicing our pencil grips and control as we learn to wite our names and mark pictures. 

Outdoor learning

We have loved playing in the warm weather outdoors this week, from water play to climbing we have been developing our friendships with our peers taking turns and resolving conflick with our great ideas. 


This week we have been tastling honey. The children have been discusing how honey is made and eating it with pancakes, strawberries and yummy blueberies.

Thank you for a great week full of fun and learn, See you after the half term holiday.


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