Wednesday 25 November 2020

Reception Home Learning Gallery


Well done to all of our Reception children for another few days of amazing learning. 

We have loved looking through the photos and videos that you have shared with us! You have shown great resilience this week and we are very proud of you all for that. 

If you have any more learning that you would like to share, you can upload it via parent share 
on Evidence Me or via the mailbox.

We are super EXCITED to see you all tomorrow!

 All of the Reception Team 

In Alder Class...

Amaira has been working hard in Maths.  Pico has designed and made an amazing spaceship complete with some aliens passengers. Torsten has been writing a list of the ten things he would like to take on his spaceship. Tesha has been sharing some videos of her beautiful reading and she has been working hard on her phonics.  Pippa enjoyed making a money box to hold all of her coins.

In Aspen Class ...

Batool has been practising her RWI phonic sessions and learning to read and write the sound ‘nk’.Adam shared the story, Dinosaur Roar and read beautifully. Ayana shared the story, The Very Hungry Caterpillar and she has been completing her more and less math work. Aryaan has been using the greater than and less than symbol to show which objects have more or less.Thomas has enjoyed designing underpants and making  his ten eye alien. Thank you for sharing your home learning with us. Keep up the great work!

In Apple Class...

Sonny has been working hard on his letter formation. Jessica has been helping at home with cooking and gardening. She has been working hard on her Phonics and Maths work. She also made a rainbow spaceship that had a roof so that rain can't leak through. Andreea worked on her letter and number formation and enjoyed creating Art work and reading Aliens Love Underpants. Bruno worked hard on his phonics and made a boat out of junk modelling. Parisa read The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Well done Apple Class! 

See you tomorrow Reception!!! 

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