Sunday, 22 January 2017

Apple's Learning Challenges!

The girls is Apple Class have been very busy at home completing this terms (and last terms) Learning Challenges! Laura completed last terms learning challenge, creating a spaceship for five little men and was able to sing the song to the class.

Tutu has made a fantastic collage of pictures drawn by the illustrator Axel Scheffler, and showed the class her favourite story she has at home. She also found out some facts and shared these with the class. The children recognised many of the books he had illustrated, especially as some of them are our favourites in Apple Class.

Nicole learnt the poem 'Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear' and recited this to the class showing us her illustrations of the poem and a fantastic bear mask. She also revisited last terms challenge and shared some fantastic facts about stars with the class.

Great work girls, you all deserve your certificates. It is fantastic to see such great learning going on at home!

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