Sunday, 22 January 2017

Quick phone 999, it's an emergency!

"Hello, fire station, what is your emergency? Could you tell me your address please?" said Ruby W as she answered the phone in the fire station. "Quick guys a cat is stuck up a tree. Go straight ahead and round the corner!"

The children in Reception have been busy saving the day this week as they sent out teams to various disasters around the Harold Hill area. We have had cats stuck in trees, children stuck in fences, little old ladies falling in the river and of course numerous house fires. The children have been taking turns to answer the emergency calls before sending out teams of firemen to deal with the disasters.

There has been a lot of turn taking involved in their play as the children all initially wanted to dress up, answer the phone and drive the fire engine. Quickly the children realised they would have to rotate jobs and turn take. "I'll drive , you can drive to the next emergency"  said Harry as the team set off on a job.

This new outdoor role play area has also bought up discussions about fire safety. "If there is a fire you have to call 999" Archie explained to a group of friends.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work
    Remember though it's firefighters not firemen 😉


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