Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Reception Newsletter 03.01.17

Term: Spring 1                      Date: 03.01.17

Dear Parents,
We hope you had a restful school break.  We are looking forward to starting our new topic of traditional tales.   

Personal, Social and Emotional:
Confident to talk to other children when playing, and will communicate freely about own home and community.
Enjoys responsibility of carrying out small tasks.
Can describe self in positive terms and talk about abilities.
Communication and Language:
Is able to follow directions (if not intently focused on own choice of activity).
Listens to others one to one or in small groups, when conversation interests them.
Responds to instructions involving a two-part sequence.
Physical Development:
Understands that equipment and tools have to be used safely.
Uses one-handed tools and equipment.
Shows increasing control over an object in pushing, patting, throwing, catching or kicking it.
Enjoys rhyming and rhythmic activities.
Enjoys an increasing range of books.
Suggests how the story might end.
Counts objects to 10, and beginning to count beyond 10.
Recognise some numerals of personal significance.
Counts out up to six objects from a larger group.
Expressive Art and Design:
Understands that they can use lines to enclose a space, and then begin to use these shapes to      represent objects.
Explores colours and how colours can be changed
Explores what happens when they mix colours

Understanding the World:
Knows some of the things that make them unique, and can talk about some of the similarities and      differences in relation to friends or family.
Shows interest in different occupations and ways of life.
Remembers and talks about significant events in their own experience.

Learning Challenge
Each half term we will be setting our pupils a challenge related to their learning. We believe that it is important for us to provide guidance for parents on how their children's learning can be extended at home.
The learning challenge will include either a nursery rhyme, famous person, illustration or a piece of music. Please talk to your child about the challenge and help them to engage in their learning. The children can choose how they present their learning challenge outcomes to their teacher or class.
 Person:  Choose a Traditional Tale Character   
 Artist/Illustrator: Axel Scheffler
 Poem/Song to learn: Teddy Bear Teddy Bear
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
Turn around
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
Touch the ground,
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
Reach up high,
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
Touch the sky.

Nursery Rhyme
1.    Learn it off by heart.
2.    Draw a picture to illustrate the rhyme.
3.    Find out about stars.
  1. To find out facts about the illustrator.
  2. Produce a collage of other pictures by the illustrator.
  3. To draw a picture in a similar style
1. 1.Draw a portrait of the person.
2.   Find out facts about the person.
3. Watch the person in action.
Please ensure your child has a spare set of clothes on their peg in the event that they get wet and need to change.

If you would like to contact a member of the EYFS team via email the address is eyfs@broadford.havering.sch.uk
Kind regard
The Reception Team


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