Wednesday 22 September 2021

Reception meet Rainbow Fish.

     Reception meet the Rainbow Fish.

What a lovely start to the Reception year we have had. The children are settling well in to the class routines and enjoying their new learning environments. We are seeing lots of lovely friendships forming.

We have started our topic learning with the story of The Rainbow Fish. Our topic lessons run over a two week period so that we can really explore each story and deepen the children's learning with a range of activities linked to the story. The Rainbow fish is a story about sharing, kindness and friendships. Rainbow fish starts his journey in the ocean as being the most beautiful fish, other fish admired his shiny shimmering scales but he does not to share.  All the other fish in the sea begin to ignore him after this and he does not understand why. He goes to the wise octopus for advice, and she tells him to give away his scales. Rainbow Fish reluctantly gives away all but one of his scales. In the end, he is less beautiful than he was before, but he has new friends and his now the happiest fish in the sea. 

Click here to listen to The Rainbow Fish

The children have really enjoyed this story and the activities that we have planned based around the story.  We have created our own rainbow fishes using paint and then the children decorated them with sparkly gems and scales. The children have used clay to make their own fish and added beads and gems to decorate them. The children have been retelling the story in their own words using some story sequencing cards. 

Key vocabulary featured in this story: 

sparkling, glide, admire, emerge, delighted discover. 

In our sand and water area we have enhanced the provision with lots of sea creatures and fishes for the children to play with and they have loved hunting for the gems and treasures in the sand tray.  In Math, the children have been looking at their 1:1 number correspondence and matching the correct number of pegs to the number on the fish. They have worked well together on this activity and helped each to complete it. 

In Phonics, we have learnt the sounds  m a s d t. We have been practicing our letter formation for each sound in our Read, Write, Inc books. If you would like to practice this further with your child at home, the sheets for each sound can be downloaded by clicking the links below.

Sound M       Sound A          Sound S          Sound D            Sound T

Here is a look at some of our amazing learning this week.

Aspen Class

Alfie: I am going to put some sparkly gems right here.

Edie: This paint is messy, it's all over my hands...YUCK!! 

Apple Class

Ambica- Mine is shiny!
Roza- I like at the start when the fish has shiny scales!

Alder class

Harry: 'I love mixing colours. I'm going to make my fish stripy!' 

Jessica: ' My pompoms keep falling off so I need more glue.'

Millen: 'I really love mine. I can't wait to take it home.'

Gabrielle: ' I used feathers because I wanted it all colouful.'

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