Saturday 22 January 2022

Reception Learning Week 3


​Another fun week of learning had in reception. The children have thoroughly enjoyed the Gingerbread Man story and have really engaged with the story.  It has been lovely to hear the children retelling the story in their own words and some using the exact repetition; Run, Run as fast as you can, you can't catch me i'm the Gingerbread Man! 


This week, the children have been learning about the composition of number five -understanding that one number can be made up from (composed from) two or more smaller numbers.  The children have had access to lots of resources and have been encouraged to represent  and solve problems in their own way. 

How to support your child this week at home.

Play hiding games with a numbers of objects in a box, under a cloth, in a tent. 

Use some objects from around the house and explore different ways of making five. Eg.. two bananas and 3 apples makes five altogether. Then ask them to write the corresponding number sentence;  3+2=5. 

Lucas- "its 5"

William "3 plus 2 equals 5" 

Emma- "1,2,3,4,5"

Mikail " two add three makes five"

Araoluwa " It equals five!"

Key Vocabulary: Number Bond, Numbers, Smaller, Bigger, Composition.


In literacy this week, we have been reading the story of The Gingerbread Man.
The children have been role playing with story puppets and face masks and retelling the traditional tale in their own words. The children have been working with their talk partners and have been making predictions throughout the story about what they think will happen next. We will continue to explore this topic book next week. 

Key Vocabulary: Farm, little old lady, little old man, stir, mix, run, fast

Vrisha; "They live on a farm"

Chirag "Look at my Gingerbread man"

Zofia: "The Gingerbread Man lived on the farm"

Ronnie:  "He lives on the farm with the old lady"

Snack Area

The children thoroughly enjoy snack time in Reception. Each class room has a dedicated snack area that offers a range of fresh fruit or vegetables every day. 
The Early Years Curriculum encourages children to understand and talk about the the importance of healthy eating.

Here are some of our Happy Snackers!

Bernice "I like rasins"
Aisosa "My favourite fruit is tangerine"

Tiger-Lily: " I love apples"

Kylie: "I like it when we have raisins"

Digital Leaders

We have been very lucky to have the year 6 Digital Leaders join us in Reception. They have been teaching the children how to use iPads and Chromebook's safely, patiently showing the children how to navigate and play the apps and games. 

A big thank you to all the Digital Leaders that have joined us this week in Reception. The children have really enjoyed their time with you all. 

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