Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Nursery Closure

Dear Parents and Carers,

It is with much regret that we must inform you, that due to unforeseen circumstances Nursery will not be able to open on the date scheduled.

The demolition - despite starting early - has not been completed in time. This means that the classrooms for Year 3 are without power, water and data (for computers). As Year 3 is statutory this has meant that they have had to use the Nursery classrooms until their classrooms are ready.

We are having to delay all of the sessions by one week so the Nursery will now begin on Friday 23rd September with the Stay and Play session. There will be no stay and play session on Friday 16th September. Nursery will be closed on the week from Monday 19th September to Thursday 22nd September. The children will still have induction hour slots the week commencing Monday 26th.  All times booked will remain the same but will be delayed until the following week. if your induction time was previously Monday 19th September 8.45am it will now be the following Monday 26th September 8.45am

You will receive a letter in the post tomorrow from the school and we have telephoned contact numbers if we have received admission forms.

If you would like to contact the school regarding times/dates please email:

We apologise for any inconvenience caused and we thank you for your understanding.
Kind regards,
Miss Tynan

Nursery Lead 

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