Friday, 30 September 2016

Nursery Newsletter 3.10.16

Term: Autumn 1                      Date: 14.09.16


  Dear Parents and Carers,

We have really enjoyed spending time with the children and getting to know them this week. Over the next few weeks we will continue to support the children to have a positive transition into Nursery and feel confident in their new environment. Next week will focus on modelling how to use areas of the classroom and the resources in these areas correctly. The children will be extended or supported in their play through adult interactions or enhancements to the provision. 

We will begin to introduce routines to the children next week. Our day will begin with a daily calendar and song/ movement session and will end with a short story or nursery rhyme session.


As staff we are committed to making the education and well being of all children our first concern, and are accountable for achieving the highest possible standards in work and conduct. We strongly believe in the value of building a good relationships with parents/carers. These are the expectations we have for children and for their parents/carers in order to ensure that the children have the best start possible to their school life:

 Turn up, on time every day.
Do their best in their work and their play.
Demonstrate politeness and kindness to every one they meet.

Ensuring that children arrive on time and ready to learn through:
Providing your children with a healthy breakfast or lunch.
Providing them with warm clean clothing

Support your children’s learning at home by:
Reading stories to children regularly (Stories are available to borrow from our reading cart!)

Encouraging them in their interests
Model politeness and kindness to every one you meet

Morning Nursery: 8.30am - 11.30am
Afternoon Nursery: 12.30pm - 3.30pm

Please wait by the outside doors to Nursery and we will call your children to come to you at the end of sessions. It may take us a little longer to remember names and faces for the first few weeks so please be patient, the children's safety is always our main priority.
From next week there will be one member of staff calling children's name and another member of staff available slightly away from the entrance door so we can talk to you about any queries/questions you may have.

    Please ensure your child has a pair of named wellington boots to leave in school. Please also ensure your child has a spare set of clothes left in school.
Kind regards,

The Nursery Team

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