Monday, 19 September 2016

Reception Newsletter Autumn 1 19.09.16

Term: Autumn 1                      Date: 19.09.16

Dear Parents,

      The children have had a fantastic start to their school life.  Most of the children have settled in well and we are enjoying taking this opportunity to get to know them.

     Personal, Social and Emotional:
     Confident to talk to other children when playing, and will communicate freely about own home and community.
      Aware of own feelings, and knows that some actions and words can hurt others' feelings.
      Initiates play, offering cues to peers to join them.

Communication and Language:
Listens to others one to one or in small groups, when conversation interests them.
Responds to simple instructions,
Can retell a simple past event in correct order

Physical Development:
Uses one-handed tools and equipment.
Draws lines and circles using gross motor movements.
Puts on own coat or jumper.
      This newsletter will be made available in the outdoor area, in a blue tray labelled ‘Weekly Newsletter’, however we appreciate that many of you wish to be ‘paperless’ so a copy will also be posted on our EYFS blog and facebook page at the beginning of each week.

     Reading at home with your child is vital if they are to become confident and fluid readers. In Reception children will bring home reading books to read with you and it is a school expectation that parents or carers read with their child every night. It is important your child continues to practice the skills they have learnt in school at home. A great way to foster your child’s love for reading and extend their vocabulary is to share bedtime stories with your child.
    Your child will partake in daily phonics lessons and will also have a set reading day when they will read their reading book to a member of the Reception team. Your child should have their reading book and reading record in school on this day.
    We will be happy to change reading books on a daily basis. Each class will have a box in the entrance. If your child’s reading book needs changing, please help them take their reading record and book from their book bag and place it in this box.
    Please be aware that to start with your child will receive a picture book that does not contain words. These book are to encourage the children to talk about the pictures, describe what they think is going on and create their own verbal dialogue for the story. This is a vital development reading stage.

     If you have any questions about reading expectations or routines in Reception, please speak to your class teacher.

     If you are collect your child at 3.05pm, you will need to follow the way way system, which we have had to put in place because of the limitations of the building work.  Please note this means you are unable to walk back up the slope at afternoon collection time.

      Thank you to all of the parents who have already sent in the spare clothes and wellington boots.

      If you would like to contact a member of the EYFS team via email the address is

Kind regards

The Reception Team

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