Sunday, 9 October 2016

10.10.16 Nursery Newsletter

Term: Autumn 1                      Date: 10.10.16


  Dear Parents and Carers,

The children had a great first week of Nursery. We are very impressed with how quickly they have settled in and it is great to see lots of smiley faces as the children arrive for their sessions. The children have been enjoying joining in with our daily calendar and song and movement sessions. This week we will start our topic 'All about me'. The children will be encouraged to talk about themselves and their family. Family pictures would really help to support the children communicate this, if you are able to then please send in family photos with the children or email them to:
Staff will also continue to focus on modelling how to use areas of the classroom and the resources in these areas correctly. Children will be extended or supported in their play through adult interactions or enhancements to the provision.

 Thank you to the parents/carers who have already brought in a spare change of clothes for the children. This week we will transfer clothes to plastic bags and will return any other bags the children have brought in. This will prevent children feeling the need to carry bags in and out of school and blocking the exit returning for bags. If you wish your child to bring any items home please help them to put it on their peg in the morning so staff can ensure they have all their belongings at home time. It would also be a good idea to label all clothing items so we can easily return them to the correct family. Thank you for your understanding and support in this matter. 

These are the skills we will be focusing on this week:
Select a small number of objects from a group when asked.
Begin to recite number names in sequence.

Handles tools and objects carefully. This includes cutters and tools in our malleable area this week and being able to pour water from jugs carefully in the water area.

Children begin to give meaning to marks as they draw or paint.
We will support the children to look at their family photos, talk about these and encourage them to create their own family pictures.

Communication and Language
Encouraging children to use simple sentences correctly.
Encouring children to hold a conversation and respond to comments.

Personal and Social Development
Ensuring children are able to co-operate with routines and some boundaries.
Modelling the correct behaviours in play, ensuring children use resources well and begin to share with other children.

We are happy to see that the children are quickly learning the Broadford Values. This is a reminder of the Values we shared with you in the last newsletter:


 Turn up, on time every day.
Do their best in their work and their play.
Demonstrate politeness and kindness to every one they meet.

Ensuring that children arrive on time and ready to learn through:
Providing your children with a healthy breakfast or lunch.
Providing them with warm clean clothing

Support your children’s learning at home by:
Reading stories to children regularly 

Encouraging them in their interests
Model politeness and kindness to every one you meet

Reading to your child is very important. This week we will start to put the Nursery reading cart outside at the end of sessions. Please borrow any books from the cart so you can share them with your child. Remember to return the book when you are finished.

Kind regards,

The Nursery Team

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