Sunday, 16 October 2016

Nursery Newsletter 17.10.16

Dear Parents and Carers,

We had another great week with the Nursery children and are really impressed with how well everyone has settled in. The children have been learning new routines and rules quickly. They have enjoyed listening to stories, joining in with our Nursery Rhyme of the week 'Wind the Bobbin Up' and our song and dance of the week 'Wiggle your Fingers'. All of our carpet sessions are carefully planned to improve children's listening and attention skills and their communication and language.

This week we will continue supporting the children to talk about themselves and their family.  Thank you to the parents/carers who have brought in family photos to support this. If you are able to then please send in family photos with the children or email them to:

We will be sharing the book 'Lets Make Faces' by Hanoch Piven with the children and will be encouraging the children to create their own faces.

Each half term the children across the school are entitled to a visitor to the school or a trip out. This is in order to broaden the children's Spirutual Moral, Social and Cultural experiences, bring learning to life and apply skills. On Tuesday we will have Mr Borrell in for a cooking workshop with the Morning and Afternoon Nursery.

Your child will have received a letter on Friday  explaining the role of key workers in Broadford's Nursery and informing them of their own key worker. This week the children will begin to sign in under their key workers by moving their photos under their key workers picture. We will have a list of names of children and their key workers on the board in case you need reminding. Please ensure you help your child sign in and you see them walking through the child gate into Nursery. If you wish to enter the Nursery in the morning or afternoon this is fine but be mindful of other children and close the gate after you so we can ensure children are safely in the Nursery. Safeguarding children is always our main priority and if we feel particular children may go back towards the gate we will be asking parents/carers to ensure they are handed over to a member of staff in the Nursery.

These are the skills we will be focusing on this week:
Select a small number of objects from a group when asked.
Begin to recite number names in sequence.

Handles tools and objects carefully.
Using smaller tools to create face collages in the playdough area.
Using paintbrushes correctly when painting pictures.

Maintaining concentration when listening to stories.
Children begin to give meaning to marks as they draw or paint.
We will support the children to look at their family photos, talk about these and encourage them to create their own family pictures.

Communication and Language
Encouraging children to use simple sentences correctly.
Encouring children to hold a conversation and respond to comments.

Personal and Social Development
Ensuring children are able to co-operate with routines and some boundaries.
Modelling the correct behaviours in play, ensuring children use resources well and begin to share with other children.

Remember all children need to apply for their place in Reception regardless of whether they have attended the Nursery. You need to apply online at:  If you need support to apply please see Miss Tynan in the Nursery and we will help. 

Kind regards,

The Nursery Team

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