Friday, 15 July 2022

Meet the team - Nursery

Meet the Team - Play Works

Hello everyone!
Now is the time to introduce you to your new teachers for September. They are all extremely excited to meet you and have been working hard to plan lots of exciting learning opportunities for you all!

"Hi everyone! I am the Nursery Lead teacher, Mrs Rice. I am so excited to meet you all properly!  I have spent many years teaching in Early Years.  I can not wait to read you lots of stories. I love singing nursery rhymes and reading traditional tales. Have a wonderful summer and I will see you all in September.

Mrs Light is a Nursery Nurse

Mrs Day is a new Nursery Nurse joining us in September. Mrs Harber will also be joining us as a Nursery Nurse in September.

Mrs Ngenge is our 2 Year Old Lead Practitioner

Mrs Luca is our Nursery Assistant

Here are some photos of the Nursery provision. We can’t wait to welcome you all in September!

Meet the Year Two Team!


Hi Year One,

It is now the time to introduce you to your lovely, amazing teachers for next year!

If you are currently in Walnut Class, your new class teacher is going to be......

Mrs Hathaway 

"Hello Walnut Class.  Lots of you will know me from when you were in Reception. I am super excited to be teaching you again, this time in Year Two!

I will be the Year Two Lead  and  Class Teacher in Pine Class.

 Next year will be amazing. We have so many new and exciting learning opportunities planned for you. I can't wait to see you all in September"

We are going to be in Pine Class, which is opposite to Rowan and next to Mulberry. We have lots of exciting things planned for you all!

The Teaching Assistants in Pine Class will be Miss Harman and Mrs Eve.

If you are currently in Beech Class, your new class teacher is going to be......

Miss Mullan

“Hello everyone, I already know most of your smiley faces and I am so excited to work with you again. We have already started planning fantastic topics for you and can’t wait to welcome you to Year 2 in September!”

We are in Rowan Class, which is opposite to Mulberry and Pine. We have lots of new and exciting resources ready for you!

The Teaching Assistants in Rowan Class will be Miss Hines and Miss Hayden and Miss Perry (who will be joining us in September)

If you are currently in Apricot, your new class teacher is going to be......

Miss Islam

" Hi everyone! I am excited for Year 2 and working with you all! We have already started planning new and exciting topics. The only thing missing is you guys!” 

We are in Mulberry Class, which is opposite to Rowan and next to Pine.

It will look amazing and I can't wait to start putting all your work up on display! 

The Teaching Assistants in Mulberry Class will be Mr Maher and

 Mrs Noonan.

This is the Year 2 outdoor area. Just like in Year One, the outdoor area is used as an extension to the classroom with many learning opportunities taking place outside. 

Many Thanks 

The Year Two Team

Reception Meet the Team

  Reception - Meet The Team


We are looking forward to welcoming our new cohort of Reception children to Broadford this September! 

Miss Davis

Aspen Class Teacher

Reception Lead

Miss Onabiyi

Alder Class Teacher

Miss Spiers

Apple Class Teacher

We also have some lovely teaching assistants who will also be helping the children in Reception.

Mrs Kupriene

Teaching Assistant 

Mrs Davey

Teaching Assistant 

Miss Mcmorrin

Teaching Assistant 

Mr Reeves

Teaching Assistant

Miss Gibson

Teaching Assistant


Meet the Team Year 1

Meet the Team - Play Works

Hi Reception, 

It is that exciting point in the year where you get to find out who your new teacher will be. As in previous years, we have mixed the classes. We do this most years and we understand that it can cause some parents and carers anxiety but we promise you the children are very resilient. The children had a wonderful time today meeting their new teachers and exploring their new area.

        Meet the Year One Team

If you are in Beech Class, your teacher will be...

Mrs Gradley 









"Hi everyone! I am going to be your Year One Leader and Beech class teacher. I am so excited to be your new class teacher and I can’t wait for all of our Year 1 fun! 


"This is our Classroom in the 'new build'. There are lots of different areas and outdoor spaces for us to explore and enhance too!"




If you are in Apricot Class, your teacher will be...

Miss Myers



"Hey everybody! I am so excited to become your Year 1 teacher! We are going to have such a great year learning lots of new things and having so much fun!”

We are going to be in the Apricot Class! So I will make sure that over the summer I will make your new classroom a great place to learn and explore ready for September. 


Have a great summer and I will see you all soo

If you are in Walnut Class, your teacher will be...

Mrs Fayefunmi and Miss McClenaghan will be the Student teacher.




" Hi everyone! I am very excited to be your class teacher next year. We are going to have so much fun learning and exploring in Year 1.”

This is Walnut Class, your Year 1 class. I  have started getting ready for September and I am  looking forward to  welcoming you to Walnut after the summer break. Stay safe and enjoy your holiday.

















Meet the Year 1 Team





Miss Fayefunmi & Miss McClenaghan

Walnut Class Teachers



Mrs Gradley 

Beech Class Teacher

Year Group Lead

Miss Myers

Apricot Class Teacher





Mrs O’Riordan


Miss Mayer


Mrs Maguire

Miss Howard


We are all super excited for September!

Many thanks, 

The Year One Team










Nursery: 14th July - Go Bonkers Day


This blog shows some highlights from this week’s Go Bonkers Day. As you will see from all the smiles on the children’s faces; it was a day they truly enjoyed and one they will always remember!

In other news…

Book of the week

The children have enjoyed revisiting the 105 Books this week to celebrate the end of the Bedtime Story Scheme!

Nursery rhyme of the week

This week the children have revisited their favourites from across the year. We have learnt so many!

Ten Town Input

As part of their number understanding learning, the children were introduced to ‘Nina Nine’ and ‘Tia Ten’ this week. They learnt:

  • How to form the digit

  • How to show the number on their fingers

  • Finding sets of both numbers

  • Exploring the numbers that make up nine and ten

You may also like to watch Numberblocks 

Key Information

  • Please LABEL  all your children's belongings, including sun hats.

  • Now that the weather is generally hot and sunny please provide a named hat for your child and dress them in summer appropriate clothing.

  • Please ensure your child has high factor waterproof suncream on before attending school.

Reminder: Strictly no nuts or foods with nuts in packed lunches.

Important dates:

INSET Days & holiday dates- Nursery closed to children:

  • Last day of term - 21st July 2022

  • Summer Holidays- 22nd July- 31st August 2022

  • School Reopens- 1st September 2022 and 2nd September 2022 (INSET days)

  • Monday 5th September- Friday 9th September - Home visits and stay and play sessions for our new starters.

  • Monday 12th September - Our current Nursery pupils start their regular sessions.

If you have any questions please contact or for more urgent messages speak to a member of staff or contact the school office: 01708 342880 or

Kind regards,

The Nursery Team