Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Reception Learning Week 5




Key dates and information

Monday 11th July- Southend Sea Life Centre Trip

Thursday 14th July- Go Bonkers!

Thursday 21st July- Last Day of Summer Term!


This week in math, we have been consolidating our knowledge of ordering numbers to 20. We have been using the correct maths vocabulary and practicing from different points. We ordered numbers from lowest to highest and highest to lowest. We also compared numbers and noticed which amount of objects had more or less. 

Our activity was to put numbers into order from 1-20. We did an amazing job!

Joshua- "12 comes next"
Aisosa- "1,2,3,4,5 then 6,7,8,9,10

Harry- “ 19 goes before 20” 

Mavis “1 is the smallest and 20 is the biggest number” 


This week we started reading Lost and Found. Lost and Found is a simple tale about a boy and a penguin and their growing friendship. One day the penguin just turns up at the boys house and the boy presumes he is lost so takes him to the lost and found office. Once they reach the office he discovers no one is missing a penguin. He asks some birds if they are missing and get no response. The boy finds out the Penguin is from the South Pole and so they venture there. The boy leaves the penguin then comes to the realisation the Penguin wasn't lost he was lonely. He quickly turns back to get his friend!

Watch the Story here: Lost and Found

Dija- “They can take a phone with them” 

Noah- “The boy can take a hat to stay warm” 

Sports Afternoon

This week we participated in our Sports Afternoon. We have been practicing for this and finally got to show off our skills! We did quoits on our heads, egg and spoon races, bean bag throwing, obstacles, hurdles and javelin throws. We all showed great reciprocity when cheering our team mates on and awesome resilience in the face of challenge. We had an absolute blast!

Chirag- "Look I can hold the egg"
Bentley- "I ran so fast and then jumped"
Tommy- "My daddy won the race"

Isabelle “I’m so good at balancing” 
Millen “we’re going to be the fastest” 

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