Friday, 31 March 2023

Reception Certificates 31.3.23


Reception Certificates 31.3.23


A big congratulations to all of our certificate winners in Reception this week!

E for Excellence

Each week, a child in each class is awarded the E for Excellence certificate in recognition of their hard work.

Aspen -  Maya, for your hard work in maths this week! You have been making patterns and looking closely for mistakes.

Apple - Harlie, for your confidence in joining in group discussions. You have been using your voice during learning and we love hearing everything you have to say.

Alder - Farzaan, for your hard work during your Read Write Inc lessons. you have shown great enthusiasm in all of your lessons this week. 

Dojo Winner Of The Week

During the week, the children in reception can earn dojo points for good behaviour. They can earn these for good listening on the carpet, being kind and polite, sharing and tidying resources or helping a friend. Each week, the child with the most dojo points will be awarded with a certificate and have their photo displayed in the classroom.

Aspen - Damian

Apple -  Emma

Alder - Nicholas  

MDA Awards

Each week, the mid-day assistants will award a child in each class with a MDA award for demonstrating consistently good behaviour at lunchtime.

Aspen -  Jayden

Apple -  Maya

Star Writer 

Awarded to children who have worked hard in their writing this week. 

Aspen - Tommy

Apple - Emma

Alder - Inaya

105 Books to Read Before You Leave Broadford

Bronze Award - Matthew & Charlie

Silver Award - Tommy

Gold Award - Zhyan, Aditi, Ashar, Theodore & Eridola

Nursery Certificates- 31.03.23

Each week, 2 children in Nursery will receive an E for Excellence certificate in recognition of their hard work.

A big well done to Zara (for last week), who has been awarded the E for Excellence for her interactions with her friends. Zara created new games in the garden and made sure all she explained the rules to all of her friends clearly. Great job, Zara! 

A big congratulations to Jacob who has been awarded the E for Excellence for always being kind a polite to his friends. Jacob always joins in with lots of games and plays nicely with others. Keep it up, Jacob!


A big well done to Aarav who has been awarded the E for Excellence for his creativity. Aarav has a great imagination and creates some amazing models and 'small world' areas in the construction. Keep it up! 

Well done to Luca, Eliza, Leanor, Idris and Zenaya who have completed their tracker by reading 'our five favourite books' in Nursery! Super job, keep up the reading!

Marvellous Maths in Reception 31.03.23


Marvellous Maths in Reception 

This week in Reception, the children built on prior knowledge on making patterns. We introduced more complex patterns and focused on noticing items repeating more than once. The children were encouraged to say the pattern out loud and make patterns around the edge of shapes as well as in straight lines. The children then used this knowledge to create their Easter bonnets ready for the Easter parade! The children carefully throught about their Easter patterns and decorated their bonnets.


Brodie: " Orange, Yellow..." 

Vanessa: " I copied the pattern" 

Levi: " Yellow, orange, orange..." 

Ashton: " There are two purple cubes then one yellow cube" 

Key Vocabulary: 

Patterns, repeat, same, different 

Reception's Easter Extravaganza!

 Reception's Easter Extravaganza!

We have been celebrating Easter this week in Reception.

The week started off with Easter hat making, using patterns that we have been learning about in maths. We then made some delicious Easter cakes, melting, mixing and decorating until they were just right. In our art area, we have been making Easter cards using our printing skills with potatoes and carefully drawing daffodils as we discussed the changes we see in Spring time.

Finally, we saved the best until last on Friday with our Easter Bonnet parade in the morning and our Easter Egg Hunt in the afternoon. The Easter Bunny even made a surprise appearance!

Nursery Learning- Easter edition! 31.03.23

Nursery Learning- 31.3.23

Important messages

  • GRAPES- If you send in grapes for your child's lunch, they must be cut in half length ways. Because of their size and shape, grapes can all too easily slide down a small child’s windpipe, blocking airflow. Thank you 

Today the children were super excited as the Easter Bunny hopped into Nursery to see all the children! The children were so happy and even went to our snack area and got him some carrots to take on his way (a very cute moment!)

Then we headed to the hall for our Easter bonnet parade. The children loved this and as well as showing off all their hard work, they also got to play some Easter games with Mrs Nicholls

At the end of the parade, Mrs Nicholls had the very hard job of picking the winners. Here are the pictures of our winners: 
Well done to Leanor and Aayush!

Congratulations to George and Eden!

Our snack this week followed our egg theme! The children made egg muffins! They really enjoyed cracking the eggs and mixing them all together, We added a bit of milk and some cheese and then they were ready to pour into the cake cases.

As you can see from the photos, they really enjoyed the results! 

The children have enjoyed learning in the outside area this week. They have been creating platforms to jump off of. These began low and as the children practised their jumps, their confidence grew and so did the height. We spoke about how to land safely by bending our knees and stretching out our arms to help us balance. 

They also turned the tree into a construction site and the diggers were involved, moving a lot of soil! 

In the art area the children created some beautiful flower inspired pictures. They were able to carefully control the paintbrushes and start to look carefully at what they could see.

After reading the story 'We are going on an egg hunt' the children worked in small groups to decipher clues and find the hidden wooden eggs! The children had to work as a team and think very carefully, the rhyming clues gave them the perfect opportunity to practice hearing rhyming words. After cracking all the clues the children were able to exchange the wooden eggs for a delicious edible bunny. 

He are some little moments of independent play that we caught...

Super mark making! The children have been using the new writing area to create their own books.

The construction area was too small for this epic train track so it took over the back of the classroom. The clever design made sure that the animals were contained so they would not escape and get hurt. 

What a cozy way to spend an afternoon. It is lovely seeing the children using their imagination like this and getting lost in the world of play.
We love seeing how the children use the home area to support how they want to play. We can see Ibrahim acting out a true life experience and this type of play allows him to make sense of what he has seen.

Have a lovely Easter holiday and we look forward to seeing you all in two weeks! 

Tuesday, 28 March 2023

Junk Modelling in Reception

 Junk Modelling in Reception

In Reception, we have been reading 'Don't Throw That Away' by Lara Bergen and 'Grace and Box' by Kim Howard as part of our 'Inventors' topic. We had some class discussions about recycling and what happens when we throw something away. We then started to get creative by thinking about different things we could make from a box, just like Grace from our story.

The children used their sounds to write down their ideas.

We have also been making lots of marvellous creations in our art areas using junk modelling. This not only supports our creativity, cutting, joining and painting skills but also teaches determination and values the process of making as opposed to just the finished product.

During this project, we have also talked a lot about materials. The children sorted the 'junk' in different ways including; the material it was made from, colour, size and shape.

Reception Stay & Learn

 Reception Stay & Learn

Thank you to all of the parents and carers that came to join us at our Maths stay and learn. We hope you enjoyed spending time in the classroom and was able to gain a better understanding of how Maths is taught in Reception.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill out the short survey as this will really help us to improve our sessions in the future. If you attended the session and have not yet filled it in, please find the link here.

We look forward to seeing you at our next Stay & Learn in the Summer Term - dates to follow.

Friday, 24 March 2023

Marvellous Maths in Reception

 Marvellous Maths in Reception 

This week in Reception, the children explored shape. We reminded the children of the properties of 2D shapes. We saw how bigger shapes can be made up of smaller shapes e.g. two triangles make a square. We then explored the properties and names of different 3D shapes.

The children were provided with pictures of real- life castles, religious buildings and city scapes and then asked to recreate them using the 3D blocks.


Ahmed: "I made a castle" 

Zhyan: " It balances because the bottom is flat" 

Elyssa: " Two sqaures make a rectangle"

Ashar: " We made lots of triangles" 

Key Vocabulary: 

Shape, 3D, 2D, turn, rotate, bigger, smaller, flat, pointy, cube, cyclinder, cone, sphere, square, triangle, rectangle, circle

Reception Certificates 24.3.23


eception Certificates 24.3.23


A big congratulations to all of our certificate winners in Reception this week!

E for Excellence

Each week, a child in each class is awarded the E for Excellence certificate in recognition of their hard work.

Aspen -  Natalia, for your hard work learning your sounds and applying them to read lots of new words. You have also been writing some super sentences!

Apple - Leo, for your kindness and willingness to help other children. Well done for being kind and polite to everyone you meet.

Alder - Aditi, for doing so well with your reading. You are using your fred talk and starting to use this to help you write words. Well done!

Dojo Winner Of The Week

During the week, the children in reception can earn dojo points for good behaviour. They can earn these for good listening on the carpet, being kind and polite, sharing and tidying resources or helping a friend. Each week, the child with the most dojo points will be awarded with a certificate and have their photo displayed in the classroom.

Aspen - Freddie

Apple - Theodore 

Alder - Adelina 

MDA Awards

Each week, the mid-day assistants will award a child in each class with a MDA award for demonstrating consistently good behaviour at lunchtime.

Aspen -  Alexandra

Apple -  Noura

Alder - Nicole

Star Writer 

Awarded to children who have worked hard in their writing this week. 

Aspen - Sophia

Apple - Amerah

Alder - Farzaan

105 Books to Read Before You Leave Broadford

Bronze Award - Lenny, Ahmad, Ashlean, Jack, Levi & Rylie

Silver Award - Brodie

Gold Award - Vanessa & Afreenish