Monday, 6 March 2023

Nursery Learning- 03.03.23

 Nursery Learning- 03.03.23

This week the children have been reading 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. The enjoyed naming the fruits and following the transformation from  caterpillar to butterfly. They then used the provisions set up in the tuff tray to recreate the story.

Caterpillar Snacks 

The children enjoyed creating faces with our snack area this week. They spread cream cheese over rice crackers and then selected toppings to make their own creations. 

Dough Disco!

The children had a super time making their own playdough. After reading ' The Snail and the Whale' during their choice time, they decided to make some sea creatures. The children used their hands to roll the dough and the playdough tools to make mouth. They also chose the googly eyes they wanted to really bring the creatures to life! 

Crazy Cars
This week the children were exploring the paints without paint brushes! They used their hands and cars to make different makes on the paper. They enjoyed looking at the different prints and the colours that were made when the different paints mixed. 

Hide and Seek!! 
The children were desperate to play hide and seek outside- so we did! They took turns to count while everyone else went and hid. The children liked to all hide together in the same play (which made it a bit of a give away) but it didn't spoil their fun. 

Maths is everywhere in nursery. These two girls were practising their counting by posting the bricks in the hoop. They counted up to 18 before they ran out of bricks. 

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