Friday, 17 March 2023

Nursery certificates 17.03.23

Each week, 2 children in Nursery will receive an E for Excellence certificate in recognition of their hard work.

A huge well done to Eden, who has been awarded the E for Excellence for his love and knowledge of number. Eden was able to count up to 100 and use the numicon to show that 3 lots of 10 make 30. Super job, Eden.

A big well done to Rushika, who has been awarded the E for Excellence for her love of reading. Rushika loves story time and over the last few weeks has been growing in confidence and has been retelling stories to adults and her friends. 

Mariam and Amelia have completed their tracker by reading 'our five favourite books' for 3-4 year olds! Super job boys, keep up the reading!

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