Friday, 24 March 2023

Nursery learning 24.03.23

Important Messages
  • All reading books are changed on a Friday morning. Please ensure your reading folder is placed in the box in the entrance of Nursery by Thursday.
  • If your child comes out on Friday without their reading folder, please ask them to go back in and check their tray as it will have been put in there. 
  • Please check at home to see if you have any books from Nursery that may have got mixed in with your own books.
  • Water play is part of the children's learning which means that sometimes they can get wet. Please ensure that they have a spare set of clothes with them. 
  • If you have any of the nurseries clothes (pants/knickers, socks, trousers, legging ect...) please can we ask you to return the clothing items asap as we are running low.
  • Donations- we have has a couple of parents donate a bag of socks and and a few other items which has been hugely helpful. If you are having a clear out and have any socks, underwear, bottoms that you no longer require, we would gratefully receive them. 
  • Please ensure you arrive and collect the children on time. 

The children enjoyed preparing the garden this week. They turned over the soil and dug out the weeds so we could plant some new seeds. They then helped to carefully place the seeds in and watered the plants together. We are looking forward to watching as they grow! 

We have been busy marble painting in the art area this week. 

The children are so creative outside. Using their gross motor skills to lift the crates and large blocks, the children worked collaboratively to build a bus. The children made the bus big enough for the whole group playing to fit inside.

We practicing our skills we have learnt over this half term and had some delicious banana bagels this week. The children helped to toast, mash and spread and enjoyed eating the final product! 

This week we have enjoyed planting herbs in our outside area. We looked at the packets and the seeds, we spotted some were tiny and round, some were large and black and looked at the packets carefully to see what they would grow into. The children sprinkled the seeds and watered them, we have added labels so we can see what herbs are growing. 


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