Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Nursery Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2

 Term: Autumn 2 2022        

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have had so much fun getting to know the children over the last half term. It has been great to see them make new friends and develop their individual characters within the nursery. 

Just a reminder that the nursery blog on the school website and Facebook page are a great way to keep up to date with what is happening in the nursery, along with any upcoming events. It is very important that all parents to check the blog every Friday evening to ensure you know what is happening for your child. Please click under EYFS on the school website to view the Nursery blog: 

Our focus themes this half term are ‘Autumn’ and ‘Celebrations’. We will be sharing a selection of stories to help us with this. These stories will include Fox’s Socks, Everything You Need for a Treehouse,  The Leaf Thief,  The Jolly Christmas Postman, Elmer’s Christmas and Dear Santa. 

Our learning focus this year will include the areas of development according to the Early Years Foundation Stage guidance (EYFS):

Communication and Language 

We will be encouraging the children to speak in full sentences to express themselves. Each week will be focusing on a key text which will allow the children to become familiar with the story and retell the story using their own words. We will be focusing on listening and attention, learning how to sit attentively for a story, listening and following instructions, and listening to the points of view of others. 

Personal, Social and Emotional Development 

This half term we are focusing on sharing resources and taking turns. We will be talking about kindness and learning to value everyone’s differences. It is important for the children to learn to regulate their emotions and value the needs and feelings of others. We will all be learning about the zones of regulation, and recognising our emotions. 

Physical Development 

This term we will continue to focus on gross motor and coordination activities to strengthen our shoulders and core muscles for whole body movements; this is a prerequisite to writing. You will have seen gross motor activities such as: hula hoops, climbing frame, basketball hoops, balancing on the logs and vertical painting. We will also work on developing our fine motor skills through our finger gym activities. 


The children will work on counting, noticing, continuing and creating patterns as well as focusing on counting to ten reliably. There will be a mixture of ordinal (numbers in order), cardinal (a number of objects to count or name by sight), nominal (using numbers as a name ie bus number). This will deepen the children’s number sense and basic maths skills. These basic skills will set us up for the rest of the year. 


Stories are a key part of our curriculum and high quality texts will be used throughout the day to foster the children’s love of reading. We hope you are enjoying the Bedtime story scheme, please remember to return the books to be changed on a weekly basis.

Messy Play

Messy play, or sensory play, is the term for any activities allowing children to work with their hands to create a controlled mess. Often involving traditionally messy ingredients such as paint, sand, slime, water, clay or mud, it is geared toward exploring feelings and imagination. Your child will have opportunities to participate in messy play on a daily basis; you will see some of these activities on the blog (and occasionally on their clothes!).


In Nursery, independence will be promoted for your child and encouraged through the daily routines. These include; self-registration, using their coat peg, toileting, changing into wellies for the outside area, and pouring water into their cups. Please support your child by practising putting on and taking off their coats and managing zips and buttons independently. You may find some of these tips useful. 

Key Dates

Check the blog on a weekly basis to keep up to date with key dates this year. We do not send letters home.

Dates confirmed so far are:

Tuesday 29th November- Nursery stay and learn sessions. Parents are invited into Nursery to hear more about what your child has been learning and how you can help them at home. 

Ways to help your child at home

Encouraging independence

When children come to Nursery we encourage them to undertake simple tasks independently, such as putting their coats on and taking them off, washing their hands after using the toilet, and putting their own apron on.  We feel this is very important to develop children’s self esteem and coordination skills.  These tasks can be easily practised at home and remember to praise the children’s efforts, no matter how small!

Developing Good Listening Skills

The ability to listen is important in a child’s learning journey and it is an on-going skill which they will continue to develop through their childhood.  It is everyday things that we take for granted that make the biggest difference, such as talking to each other while you walk to the shops, talking about your day at family meal times, playing eye-spy whilst taking car journeys, playing games like Simon Says or reading a story together at bedtime.



Use number words and counting in play and everyday situations.  When you're out shopping you could ask your child to help by asking them to get you 2 apples or 3 bananas, count the steps when going to bed, find 3 ducks in the bubble bath, and count the number of red doors you walk past on the way to school.


Encouraging your child to stay active

We feel it is vitally important to encourage the children to be physically active, and to be outside and develop their gross motor skills.  There are so many opportunities that you can provide at home to encourage your child to be physically active such as visiting the local park, playing on the climbing equipment, playing with a football, going swimming, or riding a scooter or bike.


Read a book everyday

Did you know..... Reading one picture book to your child every day introduces them to 78,000 words every year!


The secret to increasing your child's language and social skills, as well as the bond between you is story time.


Research shows that reading just one book a day to your child has a lasting impact on their development (Pan Macmillan, 2020).

Important information:


  • Please ensure your child has a named set of spare clothes in nursery at all times. 

  • All uniform, bottles and packed lunch boxes should be labelled with your child’s name. 

  • Please can toys from home stay at home. We have lots in school and it saves toys being lost or broken. 

  • Your child does not need to bring snacks to school. Fruit and water are available throughout the day for the children to access. The children only need to bring food to school if they are having a packed lunch. 

  • Please let the teachers know if your child has any medical needs, allergies or dietary requirements if you have not done so already. 

  • Please label everything clearly with your child's name, coats, jumpers, lunch boxes, footwear and spare clothes. 

  • Please remember you are more than welcome to come into the start of the sessions for the first twenty minutes to help settle the children down and have some fun yourself. 

  • Attendance is very important, even more so for the Nursery children. We all work so hard to settle the children in and periods of absence can really affect this. It is also important that they do not miss out on the wonderful learning opportunities we have to offer and that they get into good attendance habits ready for school. 

We look forward to working with you over the upcoming year and thank you for your support. If you would like to contact a member of the nursery team via email the address is: 


Kind regards,

The Nursery Team

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