Friday, 4 November 2022

Nursery E for Excellence 4.11.22

 Nursery E for Excellence 4.11.22

This week the children have returned from the half-term break and have settled back in very quickly. It is great to see them enjoying our story times and they are now beginning to contribute to carpet discussions. These children have worked extremely hard and have been rewarded for all of their determination and efforts.

E for Excellence

In recognition of her wonderful teaching skills. Idhaya is such a creative individual with such a flare for arts and crafts. This week Idhaya taught her friend how to make paper airplane, supported them step by step and praised them for their achievements. Well done Idhaya, you are such a talented pupil.

For always being kind and caring towards others. Madison always comforts others when she sees that they are upset and this week has been reading stories to her friend who has found it hard to settle back into the Nursery routines. You are truly a great friend Madison.

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