Tuesday, 22 November 2016

A spaceship has landed in Reception!

A spaceship has landed in Reception! The children arrived to school Monday morning wondering why there was so much silver in the role play area. They quickly discovered it was a spaceship, put on their space outfits and got ready for an adventure in Space. "Ahhh, aliens have landed on Earth! Quick we must go help save the day" exclaimed Ruby Welch as she answered the phone in the spaceship.

The role play area provides a fantastic environment for children to use and develop their imagination. As the children begin to add narratives to their play they continue to develop their communication and language skills as well as their relationships with their peers. The children quickly found space writing paper, clipboards and whiteboards and began to write and mark make. We encourage children to mark make and apply their phonics within their play throughout the year. This builds and develops the skills they have been taught during their RWI lessons.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, blast off!" counted Jaevon and Ethan as they began their mission into space. "Watch out for Aliens everyone!" warned Tavia to the others as they took off. "We need to walk like this" said Abdulmalik as he demonstrated a slow moon walk around the classroom.

Lets hope the children from Reception can continue to protect Broadford from an invasion of Aliens!

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