Sunday 6 June 2021

Reception Newsletter Summer 2 07.06.2021

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 Dear Parents and Carers, Term: Summer 2

We hope you have had a wonderful holiday with your families and are rested for the exciting term ahead.

105 Books to Read.

Please remember to record your 105 reading books and bring your child’s record to school. Your child will receive a certificate for every 5,10 and 15 books read! This time should be in addition to a bedtime story, where you are reading just for pleasure. Aim for ten minutes a day. Of course there will be days when it doesn’t happen due to special events, trips out or extreme tiredness.


We will continue to share our home learning pages each week. The home learning document is a great way to see what we will be learning each week in class too. Each week we will still be sharing a sound session, and the word and spelling time sessions too. If you are unsure of your child’s RWI group, please email us at

The children’s reading is progressing well, with some strong sound recognition and blending skills. The more they practice these skills the more fluent your child will become at decoding words, this then allows them to develop their comprehension skills. We would like to remind everyone that the school’s expectations related to homework, is to read every day

Try to make reading a part of your daily routine, finding a time that this fits in with your schedules at home. This could be when you first get home  from school or after dinner. This time could include your child reading t green and red words, and sharing a story together. 


Our focus this term will be Journeys & Transitions. We will be looking at the comparisons and contrasts between our local area and places around the world. We will also be looking at similarities and differences in relation to places, objects, materials and living things. We will be focusing on journeys and transitions from Reception to Year 1. Our focus texts this term will be, A Tadpole’s Promise, Handa’s Surprise, The Gruffalo, The Way to School, Lost and Found, Journey and  Billy’s Bucket.

Communication and Language 

We are encouraging children to use talk to organise, sequence and clarify thinking, ideas, feelings and events. The children will also be encouraged to discuss and share about their holidays, home life and the environment. Our focus this term will be on Journeys. 

Physical Development 

As we continue to develop the children’s fine motor strength we will be focussing on their letter and number formation as well. Particularly encouraging and correcting backwards formed letters and numbers. This term we will be focusing on our letter and number formation, ensuring the children have the right patterns, formation and direction. It is vital we encourage these from the beginning, so the children do not form bad habits. We ask if your child is writing at home and forms a letter or number backwards that you work with them to write it the correct way. We will also be continuing  with fine motor activities to strengthen our hand and finger muscles. Of course we will still be working on our gross motor skills in the outdoor areas and during PE lessons. 


We will begin the term recapping our number recognition to 20. We will be focusing on addition and subtraction of two-single digit numbers to 20. patterns, doubling, halving and odd numbers, and measuring length, weight, capacity and height.


We will be focusing on writing simple sentences that we can read back, as well as spelling our red words correctly. We will also be focusing on our local areas and the world around us.

Understanding the World 

The children will be comparing different places around the world as well as their local environment. We will also be looking at similarities and differences in relation to places, objects, materials and living things. 

Helpful Websites:

  • Phonics Play ( Click on the free phonics play and then children for phonics games. Most children are working within phase two or three at this point. Our favourite games are Picnic on Pluto (reading real and alien words) and Pick a Picture. 

  • Topmarks ( Lots of maths games that are Early Years appropriate.

  • School EYFS Blog (

Diary dates

Thursday 27th May  

Last day of half term 

Friday 28th May 

INSET day school closed

Monday 7th June 

Return to school 

Friday 16th July 

End of year reports will be sent home

Thursday 22nd July

Last day of the school year

Friday 23rd July 

INSET day school clo



  • Please ensure your child has a named set of spare clothes on their peg at all times. 

  • All uniform should be labelled with your child’s name including shoes!

  • Please can toys from home stay at home. We have lots in school and it saves toys being lost or broken. 

  • We ask that your child’s reading book is in school on their reading day each week so it can be changed and your child read with.

If you have any questions or concerns please speak to your class teacher. If you would like to contact a member of the EYFS team via email the address is:


Kind regards,

The Reception Team

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