Tuesday 4 May 2021

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Crawls into Reception!




 The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Books:Children's Books, Eric Carle. The Very Hungry Caterpillar. New York: The World
Publishing Company, [1969]. First edition. ...

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Crawls into Reception! 

This week Reception have been learning all about the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar as part of our Growing and Changing Topic for this half term. The children enjoyed learning all about the Life Cycle of a Butterfly. The children came up with lots of creative ideas for what they thought the Butterfly might do next at the end of the story. They came up with some excellent ideas for a sequel exploring where the Butterfly would go. The children matched the food to the correct days that The Very Hungry Caterpillar ate them on. The children played the Healthy Eating Game and sorted the different food into the correct categories.  The children also made their own Food Dairies. They also loved making and eating their very own fruit kebabs! They made patterns using the fruit. The children were also excited to learn that they will be getting their very own Class Caterpillars that will soon turn into Butterflies! The children also enjoyed getting creative and made lots of Arts and Crafts based around The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Reception had so much fun this week learning the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and all about the Life Cycle of a Butterfly as part of our Growing and Changing Topic.

Aniah-Mai: It starts off as an egg, then caterpillar, then cocoon, then a butterfly.

Nikita: Your turn, Henry, 2 plus 2, 4. 

Oliver: Egg, caterpillar, cocoon, butterfly.

Ryan: I love learning this!

Fire: I made a pattern, look!

Toni: I drew a happy baby Caterpillar with his mummy!

Ite: 'I like banana, cucumber and the oranges" 

Ayla: ' Look, I have made a cool pattern Mrs Hathaway'

Melody: 'That was fun, I have cucumber, banana and orange"

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