Friday 5 February 2021

Reception Home Learning Gallery 05.02.21


Reception, you have been working super hard at home and we are so proud of you all.  We thought we would share the brilliant work you have been doing at home this week. Thank you for sharing your amazing learning with us! 

Keep working hard and sharing your learning via Parent Share, Evidence Me or email us at  

In Apple class...

Apple Class have worked super hard on their learning this week. Blake made a beautiful painting. Andreea made porridge and tasted it like the character of Goldilocks in our story for this week Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Robyn and Parisa wrote sentences describing the character of Goldilocks and Chloe made a fantastic Wanted Poster. Jessica retold the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears using toy bears and props. Isabella worked hard on her Spellings and Cruz tried super hard to Fred Talk words. Ryan blended words together and used his sounds to write words. Ivan, Lily and Nyasa worked hard to order objects by length and height as we looked at Measurement this week in Maths. Well done Apple Class, keep up the brilliant work! 

In Alder Class...

Excellent work has been happening at home this week. Thank you for sharing all of your hard work Alder class. Pico has been practising his 2D shape recognition, naming and talking about their properties. He completed his stick hunt too. Adalind baked some yummy cupcakes, Tesha worked hard on her spellings this week. Ite has made a self portrait, completed the superstar challenge and has been working on measuring too. Nashwan has been working hard on his sentences using red words. Ayla had fun measuring different lengths. Tyler has been working hard on his measuring too. Bella has been super busy this week and shared her super star challenge. Freddie has been potion making. Amira has been learning about money. Adam has worked hard on his phonic sessions, Amaira completed an indoor obstacle course challenge. Callissya completed her one minute challenge. Oscar has worked hard on his red word spellings. Edward has been making puppets and working hard on his fine motor skills. Anya and Torsten completed the egg challenge, we hope you didn’t get too messy! 

In Aspen Class...

Well done to all of our children and a special thank you to all of our parents. You are doing an amazing job too! It’s great to see all of the hard work and how inventive you all are! It’s great to see everyone’s work! Aryaan completed his tower superstar challenge and drew a picture of his beautiful pet. Thomas has been very busy, creating his obstacle course and timing himself, well done you estimate 40 seconds and completed your course in 19seconds. Henry has been sharing photos of himself, feeding his aunts hens and his writing work. Adam has enjoyed practising his number formation. Anna completed 144 claps in one minute! Amari has been working super hard at home and has drawn his Rainbow Boy and has been making money too. Aadya has been discussing Goldilocks and whether she should have gone into the bear's house. Nikita has been super busy with his maths, phonics and baking too! Areya has been working hard on her phonics and maths and enjoyed her outdoor walk. Adarsh and Nikita have both been measuring height and length this week and working super hard. Well done everyone. 

Thank you for sharing and we can’t wait to see all of your brilliant home learning work next week.

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