Friday 12 February 2021

Reception Home Learning Gallery 12.02.2021


Reception, you have been working super hard at home and we are so proud of you all.  We thought we would share the brilliant work you have been doing at home this week. Thank you for sharing your amazing learning with us! 

Keep working hard and sharing your learning via Parent Share, Evidence Me or email us at  

In Apple class....

In Apple Class brilliant work has been happening at home this week. Thank you to all the children and parents in Apple Class for all your hard work! Mya has been working hard to blend words together and has been using her sounds to write words. She has also been practising her letter formation. Haileigh has been working hard to recognise and match numbers to the correct amounts of objects.  Lucia used different Maths resources to solve number sums.  Adyaan performed the poem This is not a Box. Adyaan used his imagination to come up with his own ideas for what to turn his box into such as a car and an ultimate cartwheel garage! Isabella has been working hard on her Spellings. Jessica worked hard to write the caption 'this is not a box, it is a tower' and Andreea wrote 'This is not box, it is a cat.' Ivan wrote the sentence 'this is not box, it is a pirate ship.' Well done for writing such brilliant sentences and for turning your boxes into such creative things! Robyn used her imagination to decorate and transform her box. Nyasa, Jessica and Andreea made their own weighing scales and weighed different objects in Maths. Adyaan, Nyasa and Cruz enjoyed Dough Disco this week. Adyaan made his own yellow play dough, Nyasa made a butterfly island and Cruz made a delicious pancake ready for Pancake Day next week! Parisa build a den for Wellness Wednesday. Apple Class have all been enjoying the snow this week. Parisa and Isabella made snow angels. Chloe, Cruz, Robyn and Jessica made snowmen. We hope you all had fun in the snow! Thank you for sharing all of your hard work this week Apple class.

In Aspen class...

Well done to all of our children and a special thank you to all of our parents. You are doing an absolutely amazing job too! It’s so fantastic to see all of the hard work and how inventive you all are! Thank you for sharing and we hope you have a wonderful half term. Thomas created his own wanted poster and wrote his sentence to help find her and working hard on his numbers to 15. Nikita made a tower which was taller than him. Aadya has been working hard on ordering objects using height and using great vocabulary in her video. Jasmine has enjoyed playing her phonics games. Aryaan has been working hard comparing and ordering using height and his construction toys. Adarsh loves working on his Solar System project and it has been great to see your project develop over this half term. Henry has enjoyed reading and listening to stories on the  Oxford Owl website. Anna has been working hard on her maths and vocabulary related to weight. Ayana has been working super hard on her maths and literacy and even had time to make snow angels! 

In Alder class...

Excellent work has been happening at home this week. Thank you for sharing all of your hard work Alder class.

Pico has created an awesome wanted poster for Goldilocks. Ksenjia, Anya, Adalind, and Callissya have been busy building and ordering their towers. Carter made a tower with blocks and books with 45 stacked items. Torsten has been working hard on his writing and completed his ‘sorry’ letter from Goldilocks. Great box work too Torsten! Nashwan has been working hard on his space and measure work, ordering items using height and length. Callissya has been working extremely hard this week and also focusing on her physical well-being. Super strength used to pick up Poppy the Dog. Amaira has been outside in the snow making snowmen. It’s has been working hard on his math work and using fantastic vocabulary related to weight. Adam had fun building his snowman.Freddie has been working hard in maths this week and learning all about the number 15.

Thank you for sharing your brilliant home learning this week and we hope that you all have a lovely Half Term holiday.

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