Friday 26 February 2021

Reception Home Learning Gallery 26.02.21


Reception, you have been working super hard at home and we are so proud of you all.  We thought we would share the brilliant work you have been doing at home this week. Thank you for sharing your amazing learning with us! 

Keep working hard and sharing your learning via Parent Share, Evidence Me or email us at  

In Apple class...

Apple class have been working super hard this week!  Parisa, Andreea, Jessica and Nyasa made delicious fruit smoothies. They tasted and cut the fruit and helped to make the fruit smoothies. Andreea and Jessica designed their own superhero costumes. Jessica worked on her Reading and Writing and estimated objects in Maths. Nyasa decided that the superhero she would be was Ladybug Hero. She designed her superhero costume and chose her name. Chloe designed her own superhero costume. Cruz and Ivan worked hard to make their names using lego. Nyasa used wooden blocks to write her name and Robyn used playdough. Robyn thought about what made her super and wrote a brilliant sentence. Lily made beautiful pictures of her mum and dad. Toni wrote the number 15 and counted numbers 1-15. She also worked hard on her Reading and Writing and spelt three letter words. Parisa worked on her number bonds to 20.  Sonny worked hard on his letter and number formation. Well done Apple class for all your brilliant work this week!

In Aspen class...

In Aspen Class…

Excellent work has been happening at home this week.
Thank you all for all of your hard work and effort.
You are doing outstanding work and we can’t wait to see you all back in class with us.
Thank you for sharing your Lego name challenges. Thomas
has been working hard on his topic writing and enjoying long walks in the park.
Adarsh has worked hard learning how to subtract and topic writing too.
Aryaan has been busy completing his rainbow science experiment and completing his
new RWI virtual sessions.
Batool had lots of fun in the half term and enjoyed painting.
Nikita has been working super hard on his special friends phonic sounds.
Emmalee has been working hard using her phonics to complete the
phonic cards.
Ayana has been working hard on her special friend sounds too!
Anna has had some fun playing in her’s not a box! 
Maya has been super busy this week cooking, playing outside and making her
fabulous picture.

In Alder class...

Alder class have been working hard this week. Ksenija designed her own superhero costume and chose a name for her superhero. She also worked hard estimating objects up to twenty in Maths. Adalind worked hard practising her letter formation. Oscar worked hard to bake a delicious chocolate challah bread. Anya made a beautiful drawing of her friend. Torsten created his own superhero and designed a superhero costume. Callissya made her super self. She chose her super power as speed because she knows she's already super at sharing and being kind! Tesha, read a story as a Masked Reader, well done Tesha. Pippa wrote what makes her super, it is when she looks after her dog Monty! Maiyaa made a tasty fruit smoothie. Bella-Rose made a delicious pancake and made her name using different objects from around her house. Adam wrote a sentence describing what makes him super. Ite designed a superhero costume and wrote what makes him super. Well done Alder class for all your brilliant work this week!

Thank you for sharing your brilliant home learning this week and we hope that you all have a lovely weekend!

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